quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

Phoenix - Entrevista

É brutal quando vemos que o artista (que é um bom artista! lol) partilha exactamente da nossa visão relativamente a determinada música. Foi o que aconteceu comigo quando li este excerto (duma entrevista cuja leitura recomendo):

Pitchfork: I read that some of the songs on the new record took three years to complete. Obviously, you're not working on the same song everyday for three years...

Thomas Mars: Yes, we are.

P.: Really?

T.M.: [laughs] It's a nightmare. "Love Like a Sunset" took us two years to complete. It had endless possibilities and at the same time it didn't exist. We couldn't find a resolution. On the road from Versailles to Paris there's these really cool 70s tunnels that are very rhythmical because the road and lights have a rhythm. We'd listen to Steve Reich in the car and we wanted to recreate this experience. And so we started really using the same patterns with our instruments, and it was just a nightmare because it's really hard to do. I remember it was an Apple commercial-- not to name Apple again-- but this kid has a square and he has to fit it in the round hole and it doesn't fit and then he just takes a hammer and destroys the thing and is super satisfied. It was like this, it wouldn't fit forever-- it was just really exhausting.

P.: Ironically, that's the song with very little singing. You'd think it would be easier.

T.M.: Well, when we first started it there were vocals at the beginning but they didn't make it. We like the idea that you forget about the voice and when it comes you're surprised that it's there.

1 comentário:

El-Gee disse...

so comecei a adorar Phoenix hoje, apesar de obviamente ter o cd ja ha mt mais tempo

so agora eh q percebo porque eh q voces gostam tanto disto

este som eh o meu preferido (Love like a sunset).