sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

Sigur Rós - Glósóli

Este som secou-me as calças nesta manhã de chuva pornográfica em Lisboa. É o quão bom ele é.

2 comentários:

El-Gee disse...


Um dos melhores momentos que ja vivi foi no final do concerto destes gajos aqui em Singapura em 2012 - num sitio magico no meio de uma pequena colina densa em vegetacao tropical chamado Fort Canning Park - em que comecou a cair uma chuva tropical durante o Encore (som: "Ekki Mukk", e o pessoal ficou la todo, ninguem foi embora, e a chuva misturou-se com o som, e era chuva quente, viva, e o pessoal sentiu-se parte ali de qualquer coisa muito especial que nos uniu a todos.

Vou citar uma gaja que comentou no site deles, que resume o momento melhor do que eu mas da mesma maneura que eu o faria:

"The show went on rain-free until the encore. Folks at the back didn’t know how cute the guys looked when they returned. Smiling sheepishly, they were like ‘sorry okay we’ll play now before you all get wet’. But as if on cue, it started to rain when they began to play. (No apologies necessary Jónsi, Georg, Orri, and other boys and girls from the band by the way. You all were magnificent.) The rain made the moment even more special. It was like a waterfall of teardrops from the heavens and their people crying with joyful hearts at Fort Canning Park.

I felt so happy I could die. In fact, I still feel happy I can die anytime. I walked alone to my hotel after the show. Emotions just started pouring in. I cried and smiled at the same time. Though my feet were filled with wounds from coming to Singapore on the same day and walking around all day to standing eight hours straight, it didn’t matter. I was too happy to feel pain. I am at peace. If Sigur Rós touring the world doesn’t bring world peace, I don’t know what will."


Morales disse...


Que inveja fds..